Saturday, April 12, 2008

Said day!

what is this said day,well if you have seen my profile it would have been well spelt out for you-checked it out yet?yes that's right ,it's me i say to my self what does one do on a day like this cause to tell you the truth the euphorial is lost on me.Now dont get me wrong is not as if i am not greatful for being alife and all that but really i couldnt deal with the idea of -hey,you're older than you were yesterday so lets make a toast.

Then folks are like how old are you know and you uncomfortably go 30>then the looks and sniggering sets in and the next thing you know you'r looking in the mirror for tell tale signs.on the issue of birthday gift?well sinc i didn't remember-i was jogged in to the realization by the most beautiful girl in my life-so i did not verbalize it to anyone except the ones that selfreminded, i guess there wount be much in the gift dept.But through it all sometimes tonight promises to be the best birthday gift or should i say experienceof my life so prohecy my wifey/GF-i say Amen to that while i deligently look forward to that time.Happybirthday to me and others that share the same date with moi!

Catch me next time.


Miss Sarah Jean said...

Hey, Sure, don't mind coming around to check out your blog. I'm new at this too!! CU around!!

blazing said...

gee thanks for stopping by sarah.

The Activist said...

Brother, pls update o. You have being tagged too. Do go to my blog for the rules

Afrobabe said...

Happy slightly belated birthday dear...

Anonymous said...

there you go again proving me right about you being-yah all know!thanks and dont forget to pick up ur mailed gift;just round the corner