Saturday, August 2, 2008


ALRIGHT!so its a new month,last month(phew!!! that was just yesterday) i took quite some beatings,somethings did not go down as planned and failed to reach some set here is an opportunity to go back in time and redo some, undo some, and claim some back,Yep its not going to be easy-the brunts on me will testify to that -but damn i already learnt that along the what am saying is am going in to this month with more back ups( and less mess ups) aiming to shoot straight and hit as many goals as i posibbly can-oh ,dont worry you'll hear about them when i score.
so here is wishing a wounderful and fruitful month ahead,be as naughty as you can and dont hold nothing back remember you only got one life-catch ya ltr


Tears said...

I aimed make this month my goal scorer...unlike the other months...all best to us!!

Thnx for asking after me :P

blazing said...

HEYMEN to that.thanks for sharing,and see you at the end of the month for evalution.oh,cant wait to read somthin new from u

Afrobabe said...

Hope the new month brings forth all your dreams...

Anonymous said...

hey,welcome to da'blazingfano,really liked ur blog you is hoping ur graze this place again.

The Activist said...

that is da spirit my brova

blazing said...

yep! tnx dimple cheek!

Rita said...

Wishing you a fulfilling month...

Tears said...

so when u gon tell us how the august went...atleast so far??
update pls :D

blazing said...

tears my B, i will drop by your blog and and feelm you in
rita; thanks for droppingh by

LG said...

tho' im late
*clinking glass*
yes to a fulfiling month,

BTW when the next update????
*bat lashes*