Sunday, April 26, 2009

From The Burnning Rubbles (1)

The man, i would simply refer to as 'malik' ran out of a flame in to a new futur.the tutsi president as just been assasinated so there ensure the bloodiest mass murdering rage that saw many young and black dreams terminated ofcourse not forgetting the old and damages to property and an enonomy that may never survive the impact. Out of all this uproar came a distinct truth vis a viafrom the European community-who are accused of supplying ammunitions-'Guns Dont Kill People,People Kill People'.People were chopped to pieces right in front of Malik while they were being offrered a merciful death by fire.Malik driven by a inner voice opted for the burning flames and admist of the cries and agony(including his) his life flash before him and he did what most would have done, he turn to that devine power we dont see but believe he tried what others fail to try,he smashed his way out using the charred remains he found and while still aflame he ran.He has not stop running ever since for now he is an Olympian(with medals under his belt) also a reknown instructor on long distant running.
To you reading this,make what you will of it but i do have more to say...

Story courtsy of -TURNING POINT

Dedicated to the Memory of my Friend 'MM' (of the Nigeria Navy) who died while on duty to the Niger Delta.RIP


The Activist said...

May MM's soul rest in peace.

Afrobabe said...

May ur friend's soul rest in peace...not sure I understand the story...