Friday, August 15, 2008


pheew!well right about now some kind hearted faithfuls of the blazingfano were probably like'uhn dia he goes agian,knew he couldnt last,pulled da dsappring act again'but actually i have been diaNback again. set out to see how it been for some newly acqired 'blogists' and here is what i came away with -StandTall got her self a loving and kind hearted fellow(GK) who helped out with her cats issue(hope i could get me one that will gladly give me a Dog-did i tell you i love dogs, well i dont have one.then charizard had a swift battle with a case of food poisoning-but hey hold up he scaled through and bounced back with plenty of gists! Tears as da name implies put me on a reminiscence/refelective mood talking about those we lost(Benie Mac).LG well what can i say , still talking about love!
To be concluded!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


ALRIGHT!so its a new month,last month(phew!!! that was just yesterday) i took quite some beatings,somethings did not go down as planned and failed to reach some set here is an opportunity to go back in time and redo some, undo some, and claim some back,Yep its not going to be easy-the brunts on me will testify to that -but damn i already learnt that along the what am saying is am going in to this month with more back ups( and less mess ups) aiming to shoot straight and hit as many goals as i posibbly can-oh ,dont worry you'll hear about them when i score.
so here is wishing a wounderful and fruitful month ahead,be as naughty as you can and dont hold nothing back remember you only got one life-catch ya ltr

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Round da blog''N'80days'

PHEW!no one says it was going to be this hard, I set out to make some blogfriends but what did I get? I  will tell you, oh yes I will. Making blogfriends is not as easy as it might  seems ,dont be decieve by all the smiles,enticing words,batting of lashes(in fact i think you should go for the one with the darker disposition- eg tears?) anyways here are some of the responses I got:

-fill in your membership and we will get back to ya

-hmm we are not making 'recriuting' new friends now pls check back later(can you believe that?)

-f***k you very much (pardon my french) dont ever show your face near hear no more and blahblah.....

I could go on, yeah call me johnny walker but I was just trying to get above this blog game, but it was not all bads, much love to the BLOGGISTS that recieved me warmth and openess top on the list tears(RainyDays) charizard who just happen to break up with**** call up on him urself) LG, buttercup and and the lady warrior-Stand Tall

Saturday, July 19, 2008


yeap thats what i call it,but you probably would call it one of those things.been gone for a while but now i am back and promise not to pull anymore disappearing act,get new blogIST friends and stay faithful to them-well will try my best wont lets just get started.lets see what do we phissst! about now!oh i know,lets go make some new friends first.Be right back.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Said day!

what is this said day,well if you have seen my profile it would have been well spelt out for you-checked it out yet?yes that's right ,it's me i say to my self what does one do on a day like this cause to tell you the truth the euphorial is lost on me.Now dont get me wrong is not as if i am not greatful for being alife and all that but really i couldnt deal with the idea of -hey,you're older than you were yesterday so lets make a toast.

Then folks are like how old are you know and you uncomfortably go 30>then the looks and sniggering sets in and the next thing you know you'r looking in the mirror for tell tale signs.on the issue of birthday gift?well sinc i didn't remember-i was jogged in to the realization by the most beautiful girl in my life-so i did not verbalize it to anyone except the ones that selfreminded, i guess there wount be much in the gift dept.But through it all sometimes tonight promises to be the best birthday gift or should i say experienceof my life so prohecy my wifey/GF-i say Amen to that while i deligently look forward to that time.Happybirthday to me and others that share the same date with moi!

Catch me next time.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The things we do!

AS I sit in front of my computer it suddenly hit me, how come every time I enter in to the cyber world I get overly excited,hmm?i mean what’s the sudden adrenalin about? Anyway there I was doing my own thing –which unlike many folks is not much-when a friend of my came calling, Andy*.Now this is a guy who cruises through life with contagious excitement especially during the few my friend is neck deep in debt! How you may ask. This guy lives in a duplex, rented a 3 bedroom apartment for his aging mother and seeblings, drives a jeep in the range of a million-ask me no question I tell you no lie. Then after the ‘mega’ party he was forced to throw by both family and society for his recently concluded wedding he is in hook, liner and sinker. and alas! The vultures have come calling and need I say-oops type I mean-my friend is not quite the same and is seriously considering leaving I all behind, you know pull an Houdini and disappear. Now how he plans to do this or were he plans to go I don’t know, me am just lost for words.

Monday, March 24, 2008


hi,new to this but i am really looking forword to sharing ideas,informations and most of all getting to know YOU!So i say to myself-welcome on board bro!